With funding from The Lemelson Foundation, the ASEE Engineering for One Planet Mini-Grant Program (EOP-MGP) supports faculty in designing and piloting curricular changes to integrate sustainability across engineering programs using the EOP Framework.
The application period for Cohort III of the Engineering for One Planet Mini-Grant Program (EOP-MGP) will open November 1, 2023 and closed on January 10, 2024 at 11:59 PM, ET.
The program comprises several components, including seed funding, a virtual Community of Practice, and a mentoring program. The bulk of program activities will take place in Spring – Summer 2024 for course modifications in Fall 2024. Refer to the Program Components page for more details.
Research indicates that working as part of a team results in greater curricular transformation than individual efforts alone. As such, EOP-MGP is a team-based program and each program applicant must be part of a larger team. If you are selected to participate in the program, you will be expected to secure additional team members to support you in your EOP change initiative.
Prior to preparing and submitting an application (which should be completed and submitted by the designated team lead), we strongly encourage you to review the program goals and requirements and the EOP Framework.
Informational Webinars:
Ace Your Application
These informational webinars will provide you with a detailed overview of ASEE Engineering for One Planet Mini-Grant Program (EOP-MGP) goals and components and tips for preparing an effective and successful application for Cohort III.
Webinar #1:
November 9, 2023 from 1:00 – 2:00 PM, ET
Webinar #2:
December 14, 2023 from 3:00 – 4:00 PM, ET
Webinars will be recorded. Recordings will be shared with all registrants. Questions? Email eop-mgp@asee.org.